Bema’s Adventures Incorporated is a 501c3 public charity. This global educational organization instructs students of all ages by incorporating bullying prevention strategies while connecting with the social and emotional well-being of learners. Ms. Randolph knows first hand how childhood traumas affect the academics in low socioeconomic impacted communities. With over fifteen years in education, her workshops teach financial literacy, self advocacy, entrepreneurship and enhances self esteem. Connecting with students of all ages is second nature to her. By transparently sharing her testimonies of battling with PTSD, depression, and anxiety, she openly sheds light on her experience of being bullied as a child. Her literature Bema’s Big Bully discusses the importance of friendship and using our most powerful tool “OUR VOICE”, to tackle unjust treatment or injustices. Bema's Adventures not only provides curriculum development for educational institutions, but also provides transformational speaking engagements for K-12 schools and colleges. Donations of any amount are greatly appreciated and are tax deductible. Your generosity will impact school districts and assist in providing bullying prevention curriculum and rich literature for students of all ages. Partnerships are greatly welcomed.
• Bema’s Adventures is taking a stand against bullying by assisting struggling readers with student literacy centers and workshops students feel safe to express themselves through art, poetry and creative writing.
• Positive literature, which displays characters who turn negative experiences into positive life lessons, is used as a key tool to successfully reach students worldwide.
Our Workshops
GIRL POWER is a dynamic workshop focused on developing positive self-image in young girls ages 5-18. GIRL Power Adventures provides young girls with strategies to become independent thinkers and advocates for themselves. We teach positive affirmations through poetry, writing and also teach STEAM lessons. These lessons allow girls to embark on a careers in science, web technology, engineering, and mathematics. Through this workshop, girls will learn hands on how to code and create their own books online. It is imperative to provide our youth with opportunities to become entrepreneurs at a young age. There’s a big push to reach girls early on and encourage a love of math, science, engineering, and the arts. Bema’s Adventures Incorporated will drive your students to dream BIG.
Anti Bullying Workshop
Bema’s Adventures Incorporated is committed to providing bullying curriculum to K-12 students worldwide. By introducing anti bullying workshops and transformational speaking engagements, BAI encourages and facilitates transparent dialogue with students of all ages about the real-life effects of bullying within our communities. Our curriculum focuses on addressing bullying and suicide prevention. Transformational speaking engagements cater to the needs of any audience.
Taking a stand against bullying by assisting struggling readers with student literacy centers and workshops where students feel safe to openly share and heal from the traumatic effects of bullying.
Rich conversations and healing is shown in the Bema’s Big Bully. This literary content displays characters who turn negative experiences into positive life lessons. This is a key tool to successfully reach students worldwide to show them that they are not alone.
All school districts are invited to inquire about workshop promotional packages to enhance their existing curriculum. This year long intervention includes detailed workshops that cater to the needs of each district. The prevention of bullying is a constant need and should be addressed as soon as bullying is reported. Themed acts of kindness, respect, sharing, team-building and strategic goals will be designed in these magnificent workshops.
Individualized Tutoring
Individualized tutoring is also available through our partnership with Randolph Educational Consultants LLC. REPC is known for their professional tutoring sessions to increase student knowledge. We provide individual assessments and ongoing monitoring of your student throughout the school year. Individualized learning plans are designed to meet the needs of each student. This promotes student growth in the areas needing the most attention for the best results. Students have successfully shown over 75% gains within the first few weeks with the strategies learned in these sessions.